[br top=”30″]
- Order: (string) (Optional) ASC or DESC.
- Orderby: (string) (Optional) The default is “menu_order”. “RAND” (random) is also supported.
- Id : (string) specify the post ID. The gallery will display images which are attached to that post.
- Columns : (string) specify the number of columns. The gallery will include a break tag at the end of each row, and calculate the column width as appropriate. The default value is 4.
- Size : (string) (Optional) size-50-50, size-90-90, size-125-125, size-225-130, size-225-160.
- Include : (string) comma separated attachment IDs, [gallery include=”23,39,45″] will show only the images from these attachments.
- Exclude : (string) comma separated attachment IDs, [gallery exclude=”21,32,43″] excludes the images from these attachments.
[br top=”30″]
[gallery columns="6" size="size-90-90"]